Gnome Tweaks
sudo pacman -S gnome-tweaks
sudo pacman -S gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks
sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
sudo xbps-install -S gnome-tweaks
sudo xbps-install -S gnome-tweaks
Minimize Button and Button Placement
Minimize is an important button. While I think you can live without it if you use the Super key a lot. But, for me, the minimize button seems to be very useful. You can get the maximize button too, but it's not that useful because it can be done by double-clicking the title bar. If you were a Mac user, you might prefer left button placement over the default right placement. Note: Left Placement glitches the gnome-tweak-tool for some reason don't worry about it just increase the size of the window.
Battery Percentage
Shows the amount of battery remaining in percent. Doesn't work for desktop pc.
Optimizing Font
I use custom resolution on my PC's so the font seems small to me, so it makes it better I use 1.11x font. I have set the hinting to full because hinting makes the font appear crisper so that they are more readable. Also, I have set the anti-aliasing to full pixels instead of sub-pixels because it has more font smoothing.
Activity Hot Corner and Format time
The activity hot corner enables the hot corner where the button Activity is placed. So rather than clicking the button just touch the edge. You can format time according to what you need. I only use the time, so I got rid of the date there.
Nautilus (admin mode)
Adds right-click property Open as Administrator.
sudo pacman -S nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo pacman -S nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo apt install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo apt install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo dnf install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo dnf install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo apt install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo apt install nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo xbps-install -S nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
sudo xbps-install -S nautilus-admin && nautilus -q
Disabling Unnecessary Extensions
The built-in extensions I use are -
I have disabled these
- Alt-Tab - By default, Alt+Tab will raise all windows of an application. This extension still groups windows by application.
- Always show workspaces - Always show workspaces in the overview.
- Desktop Icons - Add icons to the desktop.
- Pop Battery Icon Fix - Fixes the battery icon to match the current battery level. (Useless for desktop pc)
- Pop Shop Details - Adds a Show Details item to applications if Pop Shop is installed.
- System76 Power - system76-power is a utility for managing graphics and power profiles. Options show up under battery menu. (Useful for hybrid and NVIDIA GPU)
Settings Tweaks
Prvacy Tweaks
Over Amplification
Custom Fonts
Custom Fonts increase the user experience. I use custom fonts on my laptop and also my Oneplus.
Currently, I am using Linotte Font for system & MonoFur for my terminal. To change your font, go to gnome-tweaks then to Fonts. To change Terminal font, Go to preferences, then to profiles, then in custom font select MonoFur. To get my fonts,
tar -xf $(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/fonts.tar.xz -C ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.local}/share
rm $(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/fonts.tar.xz
tar -xf $(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/fonts.tar.xz -C ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.local}/share
rm $(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/fonts.tar.xz
If the font doesn't show, you can try clearing the font cache
fc-cache -f -v
fc-cache -f -v
Tile Windows
The beautiful thing I like about Pop OS is its feature-rich environment to increase work efficiency.
1. We need to add gnome-shell-integration for Chrome.
Chrome Firefox - This extension provides integration with GNOME Shell and the corresponding extensions' repository, make it easy to add extensions via your browser.
2. Then go to and get your extensions.
Important Extensions
Some More Cool Extensions
To get the start button I have. f
3. Custom themes
Go to Gnome-look
My Setup Shell & Application - WhiteSur-light Cursor - Bibata Icons - McMojave-circle Wallpaper - Colorful New York
4. Place the theme in .themes & the icons in .icons in Home.
5. In the Gnome tweak tool, Select your theme.
Tip - How to fix terminal theme
- Go to Preferences.
- Add Profiles.
- Name it Big_Sur.
- Go to colors, then select choose use colors from system theme.
- Set Big_Sur default.
- Close and reopen the terminal.
Tip - How to fix gedit/text-editor theme
- Go to Preferences.
- Go to Font & Colors.
- Select Color Scheme - Classic.
Tip - Add icon instead of Activities text
- Go to Extensions.
- Open settings for Activities Configurator.
- Select a custom icon The icon I use is here
- Hide Text & reduce icon padding